only growth and no development:fake panacea:the indian way
ONLY GROWTH AND NO DEVELOPMENT Fake Panacea:The Indian Way “Child is the father Of the Man”,this famous quote said by one of greatest personality of the world may arise a volley of questions in one’s mind that what does it exactly means but in true sense it lies with in itself a much deeper and intrinsic meaning. Not only this quote implies the importance of children but every successful and developed nation of the world identified and seriously visualized upon conserving such untapped resource ie its children who are the future commanders of a nation. But with India,the largest democrat and second largest country in terms of China and soon ought to empower it in 2030,the horroundes stats like 49 infant deaths in one hour,96.4 deaths per 1000 live births for children under the age of five,25.6 deaths per 1000 live births regarding average child death and 40.7 deaths per 1000 live births in terms of neonatal mortality rate,alone in UP,the largest state of the country,population wise, c...